Vitamin B12 Shots

By Hailey Lossen
Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that helps ensure that your system is running as it should. Among its roles include helping the formation of blood cells and regulating the nervous system. Unfortunately, there are some people who have a Vitamin B12 deficiency because of their dietary choices. Vegetarians and vegans in particular have this problem. While it's possible for them to treat this problem by taking supplements that contain Vitamin B12, a lot of doctors are now encouraging some of their patients to take Vitamin B12 shots.

The biggest benefit of Vitamin B12 shots over other forms of the vitamin is that this form ensures that none of the nutrients will be wasted. Unlike Vitamin B12 supplements in pill form, the shots directly enter the blood stream and don't go through the digestive system, allowing your body to absorb most if not all of the nutrients injected to you.

Do note that it's possible to experience side effects while taking Vitamin B12 shots. Some of the side effects of these injections include nausea, headaches, and diarrhea. These side effects usually disappear over time, however, some patients may experience these for a long duration, or else experience other side effects while taking Vitamin B12 shots. Should this happen, it's better to discontinue taking the injections and consult with your doctor to get advice on possible alternatives to the shots. Administering the shots can also be quite painful, so the process can be uncomfortable for those who have low pain tolerance.

As with other injections, Vitamin B12 shots should only be administered by a qualified doctor or a health care professional. Not everyone is a candidate for Vitamin B12 shots. Most of the time, those who are recommended to take these injections are those who have Vitamin B12 deficiency. However, there are some people who take these shots even without this problem, as Vitamin B12 can increase immunity and boost mood, which is why those who are depressed are usually recommended to take this vitamin. There are also studies that indicate that Vitamin B12 shots can help in weight loss, as these will boost your metabolism and give you more energy, allowing you to burn more fat. If you're considering getting Vitamin B12 shots, be sure to consult with your doctor before taking any doses to make sure that these are safe for you. Your physician will also be able to recommend how much and how frequent your doses will be.

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